Building Guidelines


  1. Properties 195 to 201 have a 15m no building line on the western boundary.
  2. In the case of 203 to 210 there shall be a 20m no building line on the road on the western boundary.
  3. Houses shall be limited to a maximum of 30m width and no house may be built closer than 10m to any side boundary.
  4. The maximum coverage of houses on Erven 195 to 210 shall be 250m² exclusive of garages and outbuildings, which garages and out buildings shall exclude granny flats or residential accommodation.
  5. The height of sections in respect of properties 195 to 202 inclusive are that the top of the roof may not exceed 1m above the base of the promenade wall. In the case of properties 203 to 210 the roof may not exceed 1m above the centre of Umgenyane Road. No double storey houses will be allowed on properties 195 to 210 although loft rooms and or rooms in the roof shall be allowed subject to the pitch of the roof not been less than 35° and the loft areas not exceeding 35% of the total area of the house.