Exciting Birding Opportunity for Garlington Residents


Dear Residents

 Clayton Burne and Cuan Rush, experienced birding guides and in senior management at Rockjumper Birding Tours,  will be taking a guided birding tour around Garlington Estate on the 6th December.

There is no charge and all Garlington residents have been invited to join them. The group will depart from Xtract Cafe at 06h00 and last about two hours.

Please bring binoculars and walking shoes, you will be inspired by what awaits you. One hundred and forty five bird species have already been identified on our Estate!

If the times are not ideal for you, join the walk abit later when you see them on the Estate.

Updated Bird List

Karen Earle

General Manager

Garlington Country Estate

Office – 033 329 5001

Cell – 063 698 6489


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